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The Yamas and Niyamas in times of Corona (2)

Bijgewerkt op: 31 mrt. 2020

In my previous blog I wrote how "Ahimsa" (Yama) and "Saucha" (Niyama) can help you through this time of the Corona Virus. The Yamas and Niyamas are a kind of code of conduct for yogis. They show you what you can do to make your life more beautiful and meaningful. Changing circumstances and uncertainty can put you off balance. In this blog I will go deeper into how "Satya" (Yama) and "Santosha" (Niyama) can contribute to your wellness balance.

"Satya" is the second Yama and means being true and consistent with reality in one's thought, speech and action. You can explain truth in different ways. First, this means that you must speak the truth. This time of sitting at home will help bring you back to yourself. We must distance ourselves from our social life in which your status or other external factors are determined. At home you are thrown back on yourself. Are you honest and / or nice to your housemates? Is what you say, what you think and what you do in line with each other? Ask yourself these three questions before you speak: "Is what I am going to say true?", "Is what I am going to say necessary?", and "Is what I am going to say friendly?". If you meet these conditions before you speak, you are reliable or “authentic”. If you are authentic, you live from the inside out: you have nothing to lose, you can live your life lighter, more confident and with more energy.

Secondly, reference is made here to your integrity, to your life and to yourself. As yoga practitioners, we are guided with what to do and what not to do to live longer and healthier. Are you living up to those guidelines? Consider this to be another chance to look at yourself lovingly! You will probably have to find a new balance in your daily routine, possibly together with your housemates. Try to spend time and practice patience with that. See this also as part of your journey of discovery.

"Santosha" is the second Niyama and means satisfaction. Take a look around at what you do have and be thankful for that. For example, I finish my yoga practice with three deep breaths and with every exhalation I mention something I am grateful for. The challenge to be satisfied is of course always present. On social media it seems as if everyone lives a fantastic, interesting and beautiful life with the most beautiful photos as proof. Now - more than ever - you can look at the beautiful things in your own life, not through the eyes of others, but through your own eyes. Being satisfied means falling in love with your own life.

In the next blog I will discuss the Yama: "Asteya" which can be translated as "do not steal" and the Niyama "Tapas" which means discipline.

Be thankful, trust the moment and help others.

Marlies (E-RYT 500, YACEP)

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